Who's taking part in
This is the one where we invite YouTubers and other Content Creators to build the guitar of their dreams (or nightmares).
Who is taking part this year?

Arran Adair - Adair Guitars
The Great Guitar Build Off has seen me travel through time and space in 2021 and become a ring bearer in 2022.

Neil Paskin - Pask Makes
I’ve always been excited about making and creating and in 2016 I was lucky enough to become a full time maker.

Dan Ciminskie - Orbital Luthiery
For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in woodworking, art, and making things.

Matt Jordan - M J Woodturning
An engineer by trade and amateur Guitar player, I've never actually got round to building a Guitar.

Noe Hervas Fuertes
I am a guitarist from Spain who built his first guitar 14 years ago and enjoyed the process so much that he couldn't stop until now.

Mathew Tye Tyler - Shock the Fox
I am a husband and father first, but when I have ANY free time, I am building guitars.

Mark Gutierrez
I’m a designer first and foremost, always looking for new ways to express my creativity and challenge the status quo.
This year there will be four changes to the Invitationals:
There are NO LIMITS!
- No Kits provided... though you can use part of one if you wish to.
- Guitars are to be built with no less han 50% recycled materials i.e. anything you have taken apart to make the instrument
- You can use part of an existing guitar, but that doesn't count for the 50% re-cycled portion.
The winner of the Great Guitar Build Off 2023 Invitational will receive a trophy, karma and bragging rights but no other prizes.

Crimson Guitars will be the main sponsors of this Category
Crimson Guitars will send the following to each Invitational contestant:
A Truss Rod*, a Pre slotted Fretboard*, Nut*, Basic hardware, a Truss rod template, a Routing template, a Set of Crimson 'Just Add Water' Stunning Stains, a Crimson Essential Fret Levelling & Dressing Tool Kit. (*unused parts, etc, to go to the winner of the guitar)
Our Invitationals can sign up to an Affiliates Programme to share with their followers.
They will recieve a budget to cover a guitar case and the shipping of guitar to the DGD winners to be covered by GGBO.

The instruments created for this category will be entered into a Prize Draw on The Daily Guitar Draw.
12.5% Prize Draw Fees and Licensing taken off the top. The remainder is split:
(a) 5% of the proceeds will be put up as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for the 3 public categories.
(b) 45% going to The Great Guitar Build Off
(c) 50% will go to one of the good causes chosen to benefit in 2023
The top 3 in the Invitational Category will be chosen by the GGBO academy in a closed vote.
The Prize Draw funds are only released on the safe delivery of the instrument to the winner. The Great Guitar Build Off will be liable for the shipping costs once the competition ends and the accounting completed.