If you have a specific question that won't fit in the options given below, you can alwasy contact us directly at or by phoning +44(0)1300 348863
Chances are, the answer to your questions are here. If not, please fill in the Contact Form above.
What is the Deadline for this Competition?
- 1st of May - You can start building right now!
- 30th of November – The whole competition closes at midnight. All videos, shorts and photo’s are to be published before this date and final build pictures must be in with GGBO admins to allow voting to commence. Yes.. every single category including Invitational and all Professional entrants.
- 1st of December - Voting begins in all categories. We will poll each participant for their votes on the top 3 builders in each category including Professional and Invitationals via their category email newsletters.
- ALSO 1st of December - The Invitational No Limits Category Prize Draws to win each of these amazing instruments will go live on
- 26th December - Voting closes and we start collating the numbers.
- POSTPONED. The New Livestream will take place on Friday January 5th at 4pm. The livestream will be on the main Crimson Custom Guitars YouTube channel in which the top 3 of each competing category will be announced.
The Invitational guitar prize draws on the Daily Guitar Draw will finish and winners will be announced during this Livestream.
How will I be judged?
We require a Maximum of 50 photographs covering the whole build start to finish, with a further 10 images of the finished instrument to be sent before the closing date. The in progress images are important and are needed to prove that you are building the guitar throughout and to stop people wondering if ghost building is going on - group builds are allowed but must be explicitly mentioned in your profile. We need all photos and video clips to be sent us using WeTransfer, a safe and free file transfer site we use daily.
What is the entrance fee?
£50 for all categories with the exception of the Invitational and Community.
On a case by case basis we will subsidise the entrance fee if you cannot afford to join or do not wish to enter the Community Category.
Which category should I enter?
If you have a pre-made neck or have de-constructed an old guitar to re-use the parts, you should enter the Kit Electric Guitar or Bass Build Category
If you have a pile of wood and have to make everything from scratch, especially the neck, you should enter the Scratch Electric Guitar or Bass Category
If you are an out-of-the-box thinker and intend to build an acoustic guitar, violin, ukulele or even a hurdy-gurdy, you need to enter the Freestyle Category. Importantly, your instrument must NOT fit into any other category available.
The Community Category is specifically designed for anyone who just wants to build along without the anxiety of having to compete and worry about the time constraints of a competition.
I intend to build a hollow, standard guitar. Which category do I enter?
If the instrument has a centre block it is classed as an electric and would be entered in the Scratch Category.
If it is completely hollow, with no centre block, it is classed as an acoustic and would be entered in the Freestyle Category.
Can I enter more than one category?
Yes. If you have the ambition to build more then one guitar, feel free to enter another category, or the same one several times. You will need to pay both entry fees.
I have already started building a guitar. Does this qualify for GGBO, or should I start a new project?
If the build was started after the beginning of 2023 and if you have documented the build from the beginning with either photographs, social media posts or video, you are most welcome to enter the competition. All future photographs should have the GGBO Logo.
Where can people see my work?
Everyentrant will get a profile page on this website with information you provide -a short Bio,a profile picand links to yourSocial Media/websiteif you want those. You will need to send us photos to document your build progress and up to 10 shots of your final guitar for voting; andwewill update your profile page for you.
Can a team join the competition and build a single guitar?
Yes, of course. Bear in mind though, that the prize would be shared among all the members of the team. Also, if any members of the team are professionals, then the whole team can join the Professional category if they choose.
What is the new Members Community?
Members Community (Friends of GGBO) are non-competitors who will be made up of the folk out there who would like to support GGBO and their favourite builder by voting, but do not necessarily want to build a guitar or compete themselves.
For a small fee of £2.50 per month these member will receive the newsletter throughout the competition and will be able to vote as well as receive coupons and special offers from GGBO's friends and partners. (We will not abuse your email inbox, we promise!)
Who will judge the Competition?
The judging will be done by the builders from all the categories, builders judging builders, plus members of the newly formed Members Community. All contestants and members will be sent newsletters to which they will respond with their top 3 choices for each category ranked first to last. Judging will be split into two parts, the first part will be to choose the winners of the Kit, Scratch and Freestyle Categories. The second part will be to choose the winners of the Invitational Category.
Who is liable for shipping the guitar from builder to winner of the Prize Draw at the close of the competition?
The shipping will be reimbursed to the builder by The Great Guitar Build Off after the close of the competition once all the accounting has been finalised.
Can I build with a Friend?
Yes. You can build by yourself or with a friend, or in a group. You will, however, only get one profile page and will have to share any prizes should you win. The whole group must be acknowledged on the profile page description so you are not accused of using a ghost builder.
Do I really have to raise money for one of these charities?
Not at all.. You can choose to build along and completely ignore this side of GGBO if you prefer.
Can I support a charity of my own choice?
Yes you can but we have limited resources and creating profile pages, donation links etc for many different causes is not viable at this time. You would have to provide links to the charity and we would not be able to update your profile with amounts raised etc.
We are happy to take on board suggestions of other charities and causes to support in the competition next year.
Do the amateur/non professional categories include a guitar draw?
Only the Invitational Category will be hosted on the Daily Guitar Draw with tickets sold for a chance to win the guitar.
If so, does the builder have to offer the guitar to be raffled or can the builder keep the instrument?
You can either raffle the instrument yourself if you wish to raise money for good causes, or keep the guitar. We can let you have the name of the site we used last year.
If there is not guitar draw how can these guitars generate donations for the charities?
There will be a link on your profile page. Once you choose your charity people can click the link and donate.