Completed Guitar

I have always been fascinated with guitars and long before i could ever afford a decent one, i guess i just liked them enough to learn about them a bit over the years. I started playing music at 20 years old in 1996 and over the years I got to know a lot of the classic guitars by Fender and Gibson etc. Over the years i became passionate about them. My building journey was born out of never being able to get the colour of guitar i wanted in the shops and also what i consider to be a waning of quality from the big manufacturers. I felt i could make a partscaster that was as good if not better than what was in the shops, so i gave it a go and i succeeded. I made 7 parts casters from pre-made parts and just doctored them up with my choice of hardware etc and i really enjoyed doing that. My friend told me i should make my own from nothing but i wasn't really keen but something pushed me toward that and late last year i did a 5 day guitar making course, probably like the ones you offer.
I designed my guitar from Zero, I had a vision and I drew loosely from tradition but I also wanted my own unique stamp. I knew i wanted the guitar to have the same basic functionality as the guitars from the 50’s with no fancy electronics, just plug it in and play it just like Chuck Berry would've in the 50’s, no flash, no gizmo just the guitar the amp and whatever comes out of you, the player. That is my ethos.
The guitar i have submitted is the first one i have made on my own with no help. It took me 8 months of careful consideration and mistakes but i ended up with something I'm really proud of.
The body tone wood is Alder. I love the tradition of electric guitars by the big USA brand that everyone knows, has and loves so i kept it all that. Body-Alder, Maple for the neck and a Rosewood board. Clay Dot inlays top and sides in keeping with my preferred vintage taste. I believe in premium parts and materials. I am going to try and make a go of this craft and i want people to have the best quality materials and the best effort I've got. To me, a guitar should be a best friend for life without the possibility of the owner even conceiving to sell it. That is my drive.
Thank you for the opportunity and for your support.